Amazon bliss

It is the largest aquatic plant in the world and has the largest flower in the Americas. Typical of the northern...

A long tongue

This incredible animal is a medium-sized mammal, related to sloths and armadillos. We are talking about the giant anteater. It is...

Smart guy

The capuchin monkey (“macaco prego” in Portuguese) is probably the best-known species of monkey in the Amazon rainforest. He is considered...

Ugly, toothy and bloodthirsty

The Amazon is home to one of the most dangerous beings known locally as “biters” (“mordedores” in Portuguese). And we are...

Brazilian Big-Nosed

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about Toucans? It’s beak, of course. In addition to...

Vivid colors of pure poison.

Poison Dart Frogs, an unusual name, but it has everything to do with the story of this tiny frog. Its name...